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Thursday, March 8, 2018

Diagnostic tool for Security System - YOUR FEEDBACK IS NEEDED!!!

Earlier we described the prototype of diagnostic tool. We created it to help a developer to understand why access to a certain object and its members is allowed or denied.  
We analyzed the feedback we got on this matter and provided the following improvements in v17.2.6:
 - To enable the security diagnostic tool, use the familiar EnableDiagnosticActions option.
 - You can select a type and a member you wish to analyze.
 - Results are presented in the XML format.
 - We provide more details on how the diagnostic tool calculates results.
 - There is a way to visualize criteria for easier analysis.

You can get more info about the tool from the KB article below:


Your feedback is needed
Please test the tool and let us know whether it is useful in your development process and how you would change it. For instance, the more specific there are use cases of this tool where it was difficult to configure permissions for a user, the greater it is possible that we can arrive at technical solutions that will address them.


  1. Hi Dennis,
    this function is very nice and needed.
    Good work so far.
    But in our company the policy needs something more generic.
    This is what we need:
    An admin logs in, in some view (created by an admin action) he can select a user, a type, an operation, and optional a member.
    Due to our policy an admin is not allowed to log on as a different user.
    Do you think it´s a possible solution?

    Thanks Jörg

    1. Hi Jörg,

      Thank you for your feedback, we are happy to hear of the business value of these improvements for you. I must say, however, that this solution looks much more complicated than the current version of the Security Diagnostics, and implementing it requires more time and resources. Yet, we will take it into account while developing future versions of our product.
